Our StoryWe are Ruth and Roger, Mum and Dad to Emmie, our vivacious 3 year old daughter.  Our Family

Our small, British, family business was started during Covid-19 lockdown from a love of solving home and family based problems. 

As a small family we see the difficulties in everyday life and our aim at Emmie and Us is to provide products that make life easier, that are easy to clean, easy to store and most importantly, stylish.     

We provide a variety of items which are inspired by family and designed for living.

Our Values

Our business is important to us and what we represent as a business is even more important. In a world of grey, we want to shine as an example of how a business should conduct itself. 

Family Values

We are a small family business inspired by the lifestyle needs of other families and our friends. Positive relationships a
re important to us.


Integrity Values
Integrity, Honesty and Professionalism
Doing the right thing in an honest and professional way for our customers and suppliers, and for the health and welfare of our extended family, the environment and society. 


Quality Values
We set high standards in all that we do.  We want every interaction to be exceptional, from our products and packaging through to our end customer service experience.


Dedication Vaues
Dedication and Achievement
We work hard to do all we can to
satisfy the needs and requirements of as many people as we can throughout our family business.

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